
Sunday, February 26, 2012

What Manner of Persons Ought You to Be

In 2 Peter 3, Peter brings several things to our attention as how we "ought to be".
  1. Ought to be mindful – verses 1 & 2
    We should be mindful of the things that have been written by the prophets and the things that were spoken by our Lord.
  2. Ought to know that scoffers will come – verses 3 & 4
    We should realize that there will be those that try to dissuade us from our belief and faith in Christ Jesus. We must stand firm on the Word of God.
  3. Ought to know that some people are ignorant of God’s word – verses 5 & 6
    We must know and understand that there will be some that don't understand God's Word and have not had the opportunity to gain an understanding of the Word.
  4. Ought to be conscious of the power of God’s word – verse 7
    We ought to remember that God has the power to keep the world or destroy the world.
  5. Ought to know that time does not mean anything to God – verse 8
    We need to understand that to God, time is irrelevant. We, as humans, are so caught up in time and schedules, that time tends to rule our lives. We want to know exactly when things are going to happen and that even pertains to our desire to know when God is sending Christ back.
  6. Ought to know that the Lord is long suffering – verse 9
    We ought to realize the God is long suffering because of His desire that ALL of His children become saved.
  7. Ought to know that the day of the Lord will come as a thief – verses 10-12
    We need to understand that even though we desire to know when God is coming back, we don't know nor will we ever know.
  8. Ought to look for new heavens and a new earth – verse 13
    When God does return to call His children home, we will be placed in a new heaven where Righteousness is first and foremost, thus allowing us to always worship God Almighty and His Son, Jesus Christ.
  9. Ought to be diligent that we be found of him in peace, without spot and blameless – verse 14
    We ought to be ready for God's call to come home no matter the time or place. Since we don't know when it will happen, it's important that we are ready all the time, spotless and blameless, so that we can be received in that Heavenly home.
  10. Ought to know that some wrest the scriptures unto their own destruction – verse 16
    We should understand that there are those that cannot, will not understand the Word of God and because of their ignorance and distortion of the Word of God, they will suffer destruction and at the same time, they will attempt to bring us down. We must, though, continue to bring the Word to all, in the hope that all will be found in favor at the judgment day.
  11. Ought to beware lest we be led away and fall – verse 17
    By knowing before hand because of our diligence and study in God's Word, we can prevent ourselves from becoming entrapped by those that distort God's Word and try to lead people down the wrong path. To help us prevent this issue, we must be diligent with our study of the Word of God.
  12. Ought to grow – verse 18
    We ought to grow, daily, in our love and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Whether we are 15 or 90, we can always grow through a diligent study in the Word.
What manner of persons ought you to be? You should be a person of God, studying and living for God in preparation for that Eternal Home.

Strive each day to walk "In the Narrow Way".

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